B1 | Aprendo Inglés
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¿Por dónde comenzar?

Si has decidido comenzar a estudiar por tu cuenta, lo mejor es que lleves un orden; en esta sección encontrarás un temario que puede servirte como guía para saber qué estudiar.

La lista de temas se realizó con base en los niveles del MCERL (Marco Común Europeo de Referencia de las Lenguas) sin embargo, solo contiene temas de gramática. 

Debes recordar que junto con cada tema se debe adquirir el vocabulario correspondiente, así como las estrategias de conversación, de lectura y escritura que corresponden a este nivel.

No olvides que si piensas presentar una evaluación oficial, debes demostrar tu desempeño en las áreas de writing, reading, listening and speaking que corresponden a cada una de las lecciones que encontrarás en este temario.


● Adjectives vs. manner adverbs
● Adverbs before adjectives and adverbs
● Adjective prefixes

● Present perfect statements
● Present perfect and simple past questions and answers

● Superlatives

● Questions with How+ adjective ... ?

● Verbs let, make, help, have get, want, ask. and tell
● Used to and would

● Quantifiers a little, a few, very little, and very few
●  Too, too much, too many, and enough

● The future with will, be going to, the present continuous, and the simple present
● Use had better, ought to, and might want to, to say what's advisable
● Use have to, and going to have to, to say what's necessary
● Use would rather to say what's preferable

● Subject relative clauses

● Object relative clauses

● Phrasal verbs

● Use wish + past form of verb to talk about wishes for the present or future

● Conditional sentences with if clauses about imaginary situations

● Asking about imaginary situations or events

● Questions within sentences

● Separable phrasal verbs with objects

● how to+ verb, where to+verb, and what to + verb

● Present perfect continuous vs. present perfect

● Since, for, and in for duration

● Already, still, and yet with present perfect

● Modal verbs must, may, might, can't, or could  for speculating

● Adjectives ending in -ed vs. adjectives ending in ·ing

● The simple past passive

● The simple past passive + by with by+ agent

● Adverbs with the passive

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